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Streaming to Room Viewing Users

  • In CYZY SPACE, administrators can stream the video of their operations and usage within the room to users who are viewing the room (users who are only viewing from the lobby without entering the room as avatars), allowing viewing users to experience the room simultaneously.

This is useful for quickly giving an internal tour and providing a VR-like experience to users who are not familiar with the operation methods. (Audio is also streamed)

Start Streaming

Select "Enter Streamer Mode" from the menu at the bottom right of the screen to start streaming.

A red frame will be displayed on the screen, and streaming to viewing users will begin.



This menu is only displayed for administrators.


When opening the page, use the "View from Lobby" button at the bottom.

The video seen in the background will already be the same as the screen seen by the administrator.


Viewing mode users cannot be seen by other users' avatars and cannot have conversations. (Room conversations and video audio can be heard by viewers)